How To Relieve Pain When Lifting Leg To Put On Socks


How To Relieve Pain When Lifting Leg To Put On Socks

When I was younger, my mother always told me to put on socks when lifting leg to prevent pain. I remember her saying it and I followed her advice religiously as I grew into an adult and was lifting heavy objects for many years. I also experienced pain when lifting my leg to put on socks, this pain however went away when I no longer lived by this strict routine. I later learned that when you are standing in one position for too long you can cause micro-tears in the fascia on your leg, this causes pain when lifting your leg to put on socks.

I now know that this pain is caused from wearing socks that do not fit properly, like they are too tight or too loose. The solution to this is to always wear the proper size while you are lifting and doing any other strenuous activity. I had no idea that putting on socks when I was a child could cause pain, but I have since learned that when you are standing in one position for too long your fascia tissue tears and you can experience pain when lifting leg to put on socks.

If you are like I was then you will want to know how to alleviate pain when lifting leg to put on socks. The simplest way to relieve the pain is by taking a heating pad or a hot water bottle and placing it on your leg to warm it up, this should do the trick in a few minutes. Another remedy is to use a night splint, this works very well because it keeps the blood circulating. Another way is to stand in a stairwell with your head raised above the floor and place a pillow beneath your knees this will relieve the pressure put on your legs and it will ease any aches you may be experiencing. If you have chronic pain and want to know how to alleviate pain when lifting leg to put on socks then you may want to try all three remedies mentioned above.
